
> Law Review Articles

> CLSA book

Under siege-Creeping normalisation of hostile tender offers- CLSA Japan (October 14, 2020)

Disrupters in the ecosystem-Past and future of shareholder activism in Japan- CLSA Japan Forum (May 23, 2019)

Moment of Truth CLSA Speaker Series (2010)

Indecent Proposals CLSA Speaker Series (2007)

> Video

SMBC Nikko Seminar (February 27, 2024)

SMBC Nikko Feb 2024.ppsx

SMBC Nikko Expert Seminar (October 17, 2023)

Japan Activists as Catalysts for Consolidation.mp4

CLSA Japan Forum (May 24, 2023)

CLSA Japan Forum 2023.mp4

CLSA Japan Forum (May 24, 2022)

CLSA Japan Forum 2022 (virtual conference).mp4

CLSA Japan Forum (November 18, 2021)

CLSA Webinar (November 2021).mp4

CLSA Japan Forum (August 18, 2021)

Japanese Poison Pills – Recent Developments (August 2021).mp4

CLSA Japan Forum (May 27, 2021)

2020 was a turning point in the emerging market for corporate control.mp4

CLSA Japan Forum (May 23, 2019)

Disruptors in the ecosystem – Past and future of shareholder activism in Japan, Stephen Givens (CLSA Japan 2019).mp4

> Nikkei Asian Review

Tokyo-style housing policy won't solve New York's problems  2/2024

Japan Inc. can't substitute social missions for corporate strategy 12/2023

Time for requiem to Japan's poison pill takeover defense 11/2023

Activist investor targeting Tokyo Disneyland stake may be in luck 10/2023

Sex imbalance at Japan's top university is nothing to worry about 9/2023

Activist investors cannot force Japanese mergers with ideas alone 9/2023

Japan's Bigmotor scandal is really a tale of misguided regulation 8/2023

Japan Supreme Court toilet ruling no victory for transgender rights 7/2023

For Japan's department stores, the game is nearly over (Paper) 6/2023

For Japan's department stores, the game is nearly over (Web) 6/2023

Cosmo Energy's anti-Murakami poison pill won't improve value 6/2023

Shinsei shareholders shouldn't bear cost of Japan's 1998 bailout 6/2023

Japan's M&A study groups wield uncanny power 4/2023

Japan has learned how to deflect Western pressure to 'share values' 3/2023

Japan is producing more lawyers than it knows what to do with 3/2023

U.S. pressure on Japan to free jailed naval officer is misplaced 2/2023

Japan puts new meaning into 'dog's life' 2/2023

Activist funds must invest more than money to make impact in Japan 1/2023

No doubt, Gwen Stefani is not Japanese even if she says she is 1/2023

Japan's 'Miss Contests' are hardly swimsuit competitions 12/2022

Stock incentives won't make Japanese execs prioritize shareholders 12/2022

Foreign rescue no solution to decline at Nissan and Toshiba 11/2022

Ex-princess Mako's husband finally passed the N.Y. bar. Now what 10/2022

Equality not the winner in Tokyo court decision on gay man's visa 10/2022

Shidax should prompt Japanese courts to review take-private deals 9/2022

The bills are piling up for Rakuten's mobile misadventure 9/2022

Japan's poison-pill rules face test as Murakami moves on JAFCO 8/2022

Toshiba and SoftBank show the limits of board power 8/2022

Japan Inc. is getting ready to pivot away from ESG 8/2022

METI's dual roles risk skewing the auction for Toshiba 7/2022

Muted response to Abe's assassination shows Japan's resilience 7/2022

Twitter reveals divergent political cultures of Japan and America 7/2022

Criminal penalties for insults set a bad free speech precedent 6/2022

Collapse of IR Japan shares a happy day for corporate governance 6/2022

Baffling COVID lockdown ruling defies legal logic 5/2022

Yoshiaki Murakami's Cosmo Energy bet defies conventional wisdom 5/2022

Seven & i's resistance disrupts ValueAct's 'constructive' storyline 4/2022

SMBC Nikko case shows that Japanese rules are not made to be broken 4/2022

Japan is right to defer Russia sanctions to the government 4/2022

Japan's original shareholder activist outshines his rivals 3/2022

SMBC Nikko market manipulation does not warrant prosecution 3/2022

Greg Kelly is found seven-eighths innocent 3/2022

SoftBank abandons 'information revolution' with sale of Arm 2/2022

World's largest pension fund should create safe space for ESG dissent 2/2022

Sony's lack of ecosystem poses an existential threat 1/2022

Dubious legal foundation for Japan's quarantine rules 1/2022

2022 look ahead What will decide Japan's winners and losers 12/2021

'Toshiba Next' is dead 11/2021

Legal ruling makes Japanese companies harder to acquire 11/2021

Paying Japan asset managers more will not deliver higher returns 10/2021

Seller's remorse should not confine Shinsei Bank's future 9/2021

Lessons for Masayoshi Son in Rakuten_s failure to halt Amazon 9/2021

Poison pill the wrong medicine when shady companies come knocking 9/2021

Joi Ito is an odd choice to lead Japan's new Digital Agency 8/2021

Murakami vindicated by Japan's first successful hostile takeover 8/2021

Japan court's surnames decision heralds creeping judicial activism 7/2021

Ever Given saga reveals the beauty of risk-spreading 7/2021

Familiar faces dominate Japan's company boardrooms 6/2021

Japan's imperial wedding drama a clash between old and new 6/2021

Hong Kong activist fund gives locals cover to betray TSE landlord 5/2021

Toshibas strategic plan reveals an elaborate work of tatemae 5/2021

Toshiba end game sees salarymen fight back to preserve autonomy 4/2021

CVC Capital's bid for Toshiba exposes pervasive conflicts of interest 4/2021

Japan must reform inadequate protections against self-dealing 3/2021

Murakami-backed fund exposes sweet insider deal at Japan Asia Group 3/2021

The remarkable diversity of Japan and its people 2/2021

COVID-19 Zoom boom has changed Japan Inc. forever 12/2020

Activist investors promise to make life hell for Japan's CEOs 11/2020

Biden victory a good time to cash out or go short 11/2020

Greg Kelly's prosecutors have painted themselves into a corner 10/2020

First hostile takeover of Japan restaurant chain no reason to cheer 9/2020

Has Warren Buffett lost his way? 9/2020

Japanese courts must backstop protections for minority shareholders 8/2020

Toshiba activist Effissimo fails to convince with board seat demands 7/2020

Japanese companies must stop gloating about cash-hoarding 5/2020

Nintendo's future is far from sure, despite coronavirus boost 4/2020

Coronavirus complicates SoftBank valuation calculations 4/2020

SoftBank failures show it is time to break up Japan's conglomerate 2/2020

Carlos Ghosn's news conference did not win him vindication he desires 1/2020

2020 look ahead: SoftBank's Son must repair damaged reputation 12/2019

Yahoo Japan-Line merger will not create domestic Alibaba or Amazon 11/2019

Oyo's business model is looking a lot like WeWork's 11/2019

Nissan's new chief executive inherits bitter, divided company 10/2019

Do not mistake Masayoshi Son for Warren Buffett 10/2019

Japan Inc must back independent boards as a check on hostile takeovers 8/2019

Abe's corporate reform plan faces acid test at government-run companies 6/2019

Ghosn Prosecutors Finally Catch a Fish 4/2019

Renault-Nissan -- Why not a proper merger? 4/2019

Itochu versus Descente -- investors stuck in the middle 3/2019

Ghosn charges are thin soup -- case for ex-Nissan boss 1/2019

Ghosn -- where the fault really lies 1/2019

A 19bn yen takeover exposes holes in shareholder protection 10/2018

Time to forget Japanese myth of good and bad shareholders 8/2018

Fujifilm vs Icahn -- the sequel 6/2018

Japanese companies must dare to be different 4/2018

Fujifilm should beware the Xerox trap 3/2018

> Japanese Language

それは裁判官が決めることですか 「同性婚」判決に潜む傲慢  (Paper) 4/2024

それは裁判官が決めることですか 「同性婚」判決に潜む傲慢  (Web) 4/2024

トランプの刑事訴追でアメリカは第三世界へ転落 3/2023

ハーバード大学長更迭…逆差別「終わりの始まり」(Web) 2/2024

性別手術は違憲?最高裁の立法乗っ取り (Paper) 11/2023

性別手術は違憲?最高裁の立法乗っ取り (Web) 11/2023

物言う株主は会社を立て直せるのか 混迷の東芝にみる可能性と限界 2/2023

SMBC日興証券「市場操縦」調査報告書の「有罪判決」は単純すぎる 7/2022

訴訟代理の「紹介料」めぐるベリーベスト弁護士懲戒は杓子定規すぎる 5/2020

日産とルノー、なぜ経営統合しないのか 日産の真の独立のために 4/2019

日産でもルノーでもなく、私心もない真の独立取締役会が日産株主に必要 12/2018

「悪い株主」に関する無知な寓話で経営者の居心地を守ろうとするとある国 9/2018

出る杭こそが日本企業の競争力を高める 同調だけでは捕食される 5/2018

富士フィルムの米ゼロックス買収に仕掛けられた美しき罠 4/2018

日本の「縦割り法学部」へようこそ 分断された専門の弊害 6/2017

パナソニックによるパナホーム完全子会社化の対価はなぜ上がったのか? 6/2017

孫正義氏がつくった三つ首怪獣ギドラ:ソフトバンクとファンドの利益相反 3/2017

イタリア企業買収で日立製作所が巻き込まれたトラブルの教訓 1/2017

村上世彰とダニエル・ローブ:アクティビスト型株主の過去と未来 10/2015

安倍首相インタビューを不正確引用した米紙の東京特派員 5/2013

電通の英国企業買収に3つの疑問:日本企業の海外M&Aの陥穽 9/2012

オリンパス問題:グローバル企業が日本型資本主義でスポンサー選び 8/2012

都心に感じる治安悪化 なぜ違法行為が取り締まられないのか 5/2012

オリンパス:日本型資本主義の価値観と文化を前提にすると… 1/2012

フォルクスワーゲンにケンカを売ったスズキの側の法律作戦は大丈夫? 10/2011

「ステークホルダーの皆様」は経営と収益性の弱さの言い訳か? 9/2011

モノ言う株主の再来、日本はどう返事するか? 6/2011

村上と堀江に思う 「気をつけないと『やられちゃう』よ」 5/2011

日本型資本主義のやり方は海外では通用しない 4/2011

米国人弁護士が疑問に思う米政府の冷たい態度と法的リスク 3/2011

> Nikkei

> Nikkei Business

> Diamond Online

> BDTI Blog